A New Season Brewing

4648518Last weekend at church was our “Go” weekend, simply meaning it was our missions emphasis weekend where one could sign up to help out with short term missions opportunities through our church.  A strange sense of tugging began to creep into my heart.  For the last ten years I have not once thought about going on or being a part of a mission trip.  My heart has been content where the Lord has me as a mom raising three young boys and before that I had known it was a time for me to be here and present.  It was almost a sense of excitement as I sat in church last weekend, a light that burned so brightly in my heart and mind began to flicker once again.  When I was in fourth grade a missionary came to my school and talked about her mission field in Romania and at the young age of ten/eleven I knew I wanted to graduate from high school, go to Bible College and then go on the mission field and love on the same children that the missionary spoke of.  Going into my freshman year of high school I went on my first mission trip, my heart soared knowing that was my calling on my life.  From that point until I was nineteen years old I went on nine missions trips and I was so content knowing I was doing what God had called me to.  Life happened and I moved on to other callings on my life, now almost twelve years later that flicker has begun once again.  Don’t misunderstand me, I am not going to pack my bags and abandon my family and children.  I just know that there is a stirring in my heart and how it plays out I am unsure, however expectant!  I told the hubby about the light that has begun to flicker of it’s existence and he quickly retorted, “I don’t have that calling” I reassured him that I did not need him to be called to the mission field that I am simply talking about short term, for myself and maybe my boys if they too get that calling.
Excited and Expectant of God’s timing in this matter!

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