Can it be? Color!

2006506I have been pinning and dreaming about painting walls in our house since we moved in here almost two years ago.  I specifically have been asking about painting our master bedroom and making it a nice place for the hubby and I.  Let me begin this by saying, hubby is not one for change and often tells me, “It’s fine, just leave it”, I on the other hand like to find little things and make changes…  Sunday I had to be at both church services which meant that the hubby had three little boys.  I got home from church around one and I walked into our bedroom to get out of my church clothes to find that the hubby had bought the paint color that I wanted and had began the painting of the “statement wall”.  WHAT!?!  I think I may have done a little happy jig, composed myself and then went and found hubby and said, “So color on the wall?!?”  Yay!  Granted only half of the wall is painted… his side, but I can see it coming together and I am getting very excited!  I recently found a duvet that I liked and it was on sale so I bought it and we got some new sheets and now paint on the wall!  Next I have a few little wall decor items that I have to work on, namely I am taking an old window that I got a while back and painting it and then writing the words to our first song on it to hang over our bed.  Eeeek!  I am so excited when little projects get done.

Color is Behr Contemplation

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