Cleaning Up Nicely

95436When my parents were here in May my mom brought me some silver ware from my great grandma.  I have a vision of shadow boxes being placed over my dinning room table housing a linen background and the silverware.  Being that some of this silverware is from the mid eighteen hundreds they were rather tarnished.  I searched… Pinterest, where else!?!  I found something that said baking soda, salt and boiling water would make everything new.  Hey, why not try it?  Let me just tell you, it was!  Granted the silverware is not going to be totally clean, shinny and new but it was pretty darn close.  To the left you can see one of the spoons that I just dipped into the concoction.  Yes, that was a simple dip into the concoction and it cleared that much of the years neglects.

776302This spoon above has an initial etched into it and I am not even sure what that stands for.  I searched through all the silverware that my mom brought and only selected a handful.  Two of the pieces had dates on the back right under the maker’s mark… one date was 1814 and another which was this spoon above was 1847!  What?!  How cool is that!  I can’t wait to find the right shadow boxes and the right fabric to place behind the silverware to showcase the silverware.  Once I get it all put together I will share with you the results!

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