Consumer Frustration

img_1063With the Christmas season upon us I have been feeling like I am on a consumer overload frustration.  Stores are packed, parking lots are insane, no one is smiling and there is this sense that since I have not bought everything that I am failing.  Well, I am saying enough!  Hubby and I have been talking about how we are feeling frustrated over the thought that we have to buy stuff, we don’t want stuff and stuff is not what anyone is going to remember.  As parents we have been struggling with what we are going to buy for our boys to open on Christmas morning.  Our boys are not in want so there is nothing that pops into our heads.  We are sick of purchasing electronics as we have done for the last two years.  We don’t want to buy more toys, our boys really don’t play with much and as it is they have a lot of toys.  As parents we are realizing that it is not the stuff, but the time that we spend with them.  How can we buy them time?  We talked about getting zoo passes or pool passes so that we can do those things as a family but that really is not something that they can unwrap on Christmas morning.  Do they need to unwrap something from us on Christmas morning?  I have to say I have been in a funk and every time I think of buying something for our boys I get a mental block that only causes frustration, frustration that I feel like I “have” to buy them something and frustration because I do not want to purchase them more junk!  We live in such excess that I am feeling guilt and conviction all at the same time.
What do you do for presents?  Any suggestions?

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