Learning The Art of Hospitality

img_9908I don’t know about you but having people in my home has always felt a little stressful.  I am always worried that people are looking at my house thinking, “Man, she ought to do…” or “Why isn’t that done better.”  I know that sounds silly but it is the simple truth.  Over the last few months I have decided to let some of those stresses go and invite people into my house.  I have had a lot of people over, other woman… woman from church that I have never met before and simply opened my home.  I have to say that each time I have someone over I go through a little panic of “what the heck am I doing, inviting woman into my house, they are going to judge me or my house, or my family…”  In all honesty once I let that initial panic subside I am blown away by how freeing it is to let people come into my home.  When I open my front door of my home to new friends and old, I am in a sense opening the door to my heart as well.  I am letting people into my life and letting them get comfortable in hopes that friendships will grow, develop and thrive.  With each time my front door is open to coming and goings of people I am exposing the real me, my home is where my heart is, this is where I raise my three sons, it is where I cook meals for my family, it is my identity in a sense as a stay at home mom.  I am hoping that with each open door I am not only being open and honest but sharing Christ’s love.  I am excited to see where this new art will take me as a woman and our family as we continue to let our home be a safe place for new and old friends.

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