
PictureMy mornings have not been what they should be… I was at one point faithfully waking up at five and going to the gym working out for an hour and then coming home taking a shower having my quiet time and then getting breakfasts made.  The last two weeks that just has not been happening.  My getting up and out of bed has not been there and so I have been sleeping in and then rushing to get my quiet time with the Lord in and then scrambling to get breakfasts made.  I know that this is neither good for me mentally or spiritually.  This morning I woke up not at five but pretty close and instead of heading to the gym to work out I laced up my shoes and headed out for a run.  I am never going to profess myself as a runner, however I run/walk/jog!  The nice thing about being outdoors for a run is being in the creation of my Creator.  I spent my running time listening to worship music and spent some time praying… granted my prayers were mostly… “Please don’t let me fall, trip or break a hip!”  I came around a bend in the road and was greeted by this beautiful sun rise and then I felt a renewed sense of speed in my legs for the last stretch of my run.  All in all, a pretty nice morning run.  I will say that I am going to feel today’s run for the rest of the day, my legs have gotten accustomed to doing the elliptical and so an actual run was a little more than I have been used to, but heck – I did it!

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