Oh Sakes!

Never Dull!  So yesterday I woke up, did my usual morning things and the boys and I headed off to the pool for swim lessons and then to the park for our MOPS playdate.  This is how we spent the morning…




Ki practicing an assisted back float


Ki fetching a float toy
So while brothers are doing the above… Guess what Riah does?




Or this…
After swim the older boys got dried off…



And we headed off to the park to meet our MOPS friends for our weekly park playdate.  As I was pulling into the parking lot I was tempted to just keep driving and just head back home.  It was 93 degrees out, Riah fell asleep and I was just not feeling like hanging out.  However, against my gut I got everyone out of the car and we walked down to the playground where very few of our MOPS friends were (I guess other moms had the same thought as me).  I get Riah out of the stroller, Zeke and Ki run off to play and I found a shady spot to sit at a picnic table.
Not ten minutes after being there Ki comes up to me and says that he has to go stinky… which really means that he just pooped in his pants.  Really?  I ask a friend to keep an eye on Riah while I run into the portapotty to get Ki cleaned up.  As I am walking out of the bathroom I see Zeke up on a platform trying to reach the monkey bars.  I am walking to the table and next thing I see out of the corner of my eye is Zeke making an epic fall.  I go running to his side, poopy underwear still in my hand.  He is slow to get up, I help him and he is crying.  I tell him to come and sit down at the table where his underwearless brother is sitting.  I take out the lunch and use the sandwich bag to hold the underwear.  Give Zeke an ice pack from the lunch bag and then get everyone their lunches.  Food makes everything better, right?  Well maybe not.  As we are sitting there eating our lunch I witness little Zeke’s lips turn a grey color and he is not using his arm plus he is crying a lot… not the usual when there are other kids around.  My mommy gut is thinking, broken!  My selfish, cold heartless side is thinking – suck it up kid!
A call to Michael to see if I am being silly only confirms my mommy gut.  I pack everyone up after only being at the park for a total of thirty five minutes.  Spend the next fifteen minutes on the phone trying to get Zeke an appointment when they tell me the soonest they could get him in would be in two hours… I think not!  I got a little snippy and was told to come straight over and they will see him – that’s what I am talking about!
We get to the doctor and are brought right in.  There was part of me thinking that maybe I let me mommy gut take over too much.  It couldn’t be broken… Well after an hour and a half we walked out sporting this…


Sakes, alive!  Broken in two possibly three spots.  We are waiting to hear from the orthopedic doctor either today or Monday to schedule another appointment to re-evaluate his elbow which is the break in question.  So for the next six to ten weeks Zeke will be sporting this ever fashionable statement that he is in fact all boy!
Don’t worry, he is milking this broken arm for all it is worth!  Today Ki wanted to pick a movie to watch as we were told to lay low until we get in for our other appointment, Zeke informed Ki that he is the one to pick the movies because his arm really is broken.
It will be a long summer though because this morning he woke up and said, “Mom we can take this itchy thing off now because my arm feels much more better.”  Yeah – nope!  Owe Vew!

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