Readers are Leaders

IMG_5225“I love books.  I love the moment when you open one and sink into it you can escape from the world, into a story that is way more interesting than yours.” – Elizabeth Scott

I believe that this saying could not be any truer for big brother! Last week I purchased a new book for him that he had requested and he had that book glued to his hands.  Here we were at Awana on Tuesday night and he was sprawled out on the floor reading.  I had to take his book away and send him to his class because he would have just laid there and read the night away.  I love that brother devours books.  For Christmas we bought him a Kindle and he has said that he likes reading on a Kindle but still feels something special from holding a book in his hands and flipping the paper pages.  I would tend to agree with him, there is something to be said about holding the weight of a book in your hands.  At the rate of which big brother reads though we definitely will not be able to purchase bound books for him, he is going to need to find some treasures on the Kindle.  As it is brother’s book case is full and he has books stacked on the window shelf and some have even found a pile on his desk!

Do you have any good book recommendations for big brother?

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