Stop and Listen

1519391You know those days where you just get going?  Days where you wake up, get dressed and start your day with no thought beyond the tasks that must get done… I have been in a funk lately and I have been so caught up in life that I have forgotten to stop and remember the little pleasures of life.  Today however as I was standing at the kitchen washing dishes from lunch and prepping dinner I say three little birds sitting on the tree outside my kitchen window.  I opened the window, let the cool breeze hit my face and listened to the birds sing.  In that moment, I forgot about the dishes to be done, about the laundry that needed to be folded, about the boys needing to get down for their naps and I just soaked in the songs of my three little tree guests!  Stop!  Take a breath!  Listen!  Maybe there is a song that your heart needs to hear today!

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