
img_8945Being that I am in San Diego for my great grandma’s funeral I had a few things that I wanted to do.  Top of the priority was to take a sunrise walk on the beach.  I flew into San Diego on Saturday late morning and so today was the first chance to walk the beach and I jumped at the chance.  Still being on Denver time waking up was not a problem, in fact I was awake and dressed by the time my parents woke up for is to leave at 5:30am.  There is something truly therapeutic about walking on the beach with your toes in the sand and the sun rising to greet a new day.

img_8947The sunrise was unbelievable and there were a few times that I was so caught up in the beauty of the sunrise that I forgot to snap the pictures with my camera.  For my sunrise walk my mom, dad, sister, future brother in law, grandma, grandpa and uncle all joined.  It was neat to have such a crowd to enjoy the beauty of the wee hours of the morning.   As I walked the beach snapping my pictures my grandpa also had his camera and was shooting too.  It was neat for me to see him snapping as I snapped, I think some of my passion for the camera comes from watching him behind the lens.  At one point he and I stopped to admire the gulls diving into the crashing waves and were disappointed that we were not able to capture the true majesty of the moment… some sights are simply caught in the mind’s eye and stored in the heart, was what we decided!

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