The Happy Juggle

Maybe it is just me but when I think about juggling, the word happy does not pop into my head.  Granted I have never been able to throw three things in the air and keep two of them airborne.  Tonight a few ladies and I went and watched the movie “Moms’ Night Out”.  What does this have to do with happy juggling… well, as a mom I feel that juggling is what I do.  Yes, things are not flying and nothing stays airborne other than germs, which get passed around from one kid to another and then eventually find their creepy crawly selves attacking me.  All this is say, the movie was great.  It was a girls’ night out which always is wonderful for me and the movie had me laughing and crying and then laughing again.  I found myself laughing before the film even began, the narration from the main character had me chuckling.  I will say that after watching the movie I told my friend that I have to buy the movie to have my husband watch it so that he can realize that I am not as crazy as I am sure I seem – the characters of the movie yes, are actors but they have to be based of the reality that is motherhood, some of that material is a little to every day for it to be made up!
Some happy “coincidence” of the movie that I have been thinking about lately that post movie was discussed with friends…
You know when you are a little and you dream about what you wanted to be?  Well, for me I always wanted to be a mom.  Sure I had my stint of wanting to be a vet – that was short lived until we had a dog that had to go to the vet… don’t ask!  I went to school to get my preschool teacher certificate, knowing that the information that I learned would later help me as a mother.  I got my nurse’s assistant certificate because I knew there would be some helpful information for mothering.  Bottom line, I always wanted to be a mom.  So, why if while I have my “dream job” am I feeling so worn out and like I want to throw in the towel?  The main character of the movie made the same statement and it rang deeply with me.  Yes, I love my “job”.  Yes, I love my life.  That doesn’t make it less hard or less tiring and in a way it makes it more so.  I realize the power my “job” has not on only myself, but my husband and my sons and then the people we come into contact… I could even drive myself crazy with the domino effect that my “job” has on our church, our neighborhood, our community… the list could go on way too long and so I will stop there.  Suffice to say, I love my job as a mom even when I am worn out, tired and feel like I am failing miserably!
Another comment the main character said in the opening lines of the movie was “I am a mommy blogger and I have nothing to say…”  I will simply say this – I am a mom, that enjoys putting my thoughts out there.  I do not aspire to have the top blog on the block.  I know that I am kind of a space cadet when it comes to putting my thoughts down.  I am a mom, ’cause that is one of the many titles that I answer to.  I have a blog, ’cause I have a tech savvy hubby who likes to know what goes on in our family while he is working.
This post has gone slightly astray but let me wrangle it in – go see the movie “Moms’ Night Out” and remember that while we as moms juggle a whole lot of stuff we still need a little time alone.

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