Who I Am

img_1224In the recent days and weeks I have been doing a lot of internal processing.  I know that must sound silly, but I think that the new year has a way of bringing about reflections.  After coming to a Word Of The Year, I have been spotting areas in my life that need to shine.  I have been thinking through some of my life choices and evaluating them against the backdrop of the word SHINE.
While my word is shine I have also noticed that there are some areas that will still need the words from previous years!  Each WOTY is not set on the shelf as we approach a new year yet it is all cumulative in making up who I am and who I desire to be.
In the past year I became lax on getting up in the morning and having my quiet time.  I snuggled into the bed longer and then pushed time frames of what a productive morning looked like and would wait for the boys to come up stairs before I would venture from the bed.  I have re-made a commitment to myself to wake early, go to the gym come home shower and then have quiet time.  Tomorrow I start a new online bible study and I am eager to have Jeanne Oliver’s “Becoming: The Unfolding of You” be a backdrop for my heart in the coming weeks.
So as I have evaluated who I am and who I want to be I am eager to see where this year takes me!

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